Sunday, October 01, 2017

Finds from the Grind - San Gabriel Canyon Up and Down

A few scenes from my ride up and down San Gabriel Canyon on August 5th.

I like to alternate weeks between climbing rides and flat ones. Supposedly, climbing up San Gabriel Canyon by all the reservoirs is a "flat" ride. Compared to going up to Mount Wilson, where the total elevation will be over 5200 feet, this one was "flat" at only 2600 feet. I live in foothill country; there's always going to be climbing somewhere.

Anyway, I wanted to explore the road past the East Fork bridge without going all the way up to Crystal Lake. I thought for sure the parking lot for the big off road vehicle access would have a water fountain, so that was my target. No such luck on the public water fountain... I'm sure the rangers had some kind of running water, but I wasn't going to bother them about refilling only half-empty bottles.

The next time I go up this road, my target will be the big hiking trailhead about a half-mile further. We'll see if there's a water fountain there...

Also, I didn't include it here, but after I passed that pace line of heavier riders, who did not pass me on the steeper descents so I have that going for me, I was able to get into my tuck position for most of the way down. San Gabriel Canyon Road is in much better condition, is not as steep, and has gentler curves than most of the other mountain roads I go down. Angeles Crest Hwy would be ideal for the tuck, but there's just too much rock fall on the shoulders, the chip seal likes to get bumpy and dippy wherever there's been a car accident, and the road surface is just not as smooth as the Azusa 39.

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