Monday, September 11, 2017

Finds from the Grind - Griffith Observatory and River Trails

My ride up to Griffith Observatory and along the LA River on July 8th.

The last time I climbed to Griffith Observatory from Mt. Hollywood Drive was two years ago. I was hoping the road had seen some improvements during that time. Uh, no. At least the rivers of dirt running across the road at certain points weren't as wide as last time, but the potholes and chewed up pavement were a little worse.

Descending the backside, Vermont Canyon to Vermont past The Greek Theatre to Los Feliz, was a new one on me, as was playing in traffic descending Los Feliz to the LA River trail. Climbing the other way (Los Feliz to Vermont) doesn't look like a lot of fun, at least on the Los Feliz part.

One fun thing was happening on a social media shoot on the LA River. The guy handling the iPhone looked exactly like how I thought a friendzoned photographer would look like...

Finally, I had another chance to figure out how to handle the transition from the LA River Bike Path to that new roundabout at Riverside and San Fernando. Still a bit squirmy on how a vehicle should enter the roadway, but hey, it's wheels on a marked crosswalk. Technically not very kosher.

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