Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Omake Gif Anime - Amaama to Inazuma - Episode 10 - Kotori Gets Mail

Kotori got a text from Mr. Inazuka and she reacted just like a high school girl with a maybe-maybe-not crush on her teacher.

Kotori saw the fresh Aji fish Inazuka-sensei brought over. Instant hunger pangs.

Tsumugi was going through a phase where she pretended to be a cat. Shinobu indulged her.

Good to know that the "Sweetness and Lightning" show uses Bing for there search results.

I felt this tension throughout the episode that Tsumugi was going to be traumatized the fish preparation, but she just developed her shock into fascination.

And another Japanese lover of sashimi is born.

Tsumugi now has a fish filet dance.

The fishcakes met with Tsumugi's approval.

Yagi did a spit take with his beer. It was cheap generic beer, so I'm not even mad.

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