Saturday, September 10, 2016

10 Second Anime - Amanchu! - Episode 10

The Diving Club girls do a little shopping and go to the beach. Futaba takes the pool qualification exam.

Episode 10 - "The Story of Losing Your Way in Today"


The first thing we learned in this week's episode is that Ai is not a morning person.

Who knows how long she was going to sit in bed in a groggy state trying to figure out what to do on her day off. Luckily, some energetic junior girls came by to steal her away.

I love that just-sexed looking hair she's got. Ai should wear her hair down more often.

Makoto is just like his sister in the mornings too. He also kept his man card by refusing to go shopping with a bunch of teenage girls. He missed out on the bikini action, but I'm sure he's not interested in any of the girls anyway.

Confirmed: Ai is not a morning person.

Futaba and Hikari had just about the most endearing description of their journey to find the Ninomiya's house. They knew the address from when Hikari had to return Ai's monkey hood, but it took them a while to find the house. Japanese city planning and marked streets is pretty haphazard. They called their adventure a treasure hunt with Ai as the treasure!

Squee! Ai deals with her self-consciousness by kicking her brother. Since he wasn't there, she had to make do.

The excuse for the shopping trip was for Futaba to pick out a Diving Log book. She felt like she was jumping the gun a bit because she hadn't passed her pool certification exam, but Ai thought the timing was just right.

They ended up being Diving super buddies by choosing the same series of diving logbooks. Hikari likes stars. Futaba likes hearts. Even Makoto was included because he and Ai had similar logs too.

Mission complete... but was it?

Don't look! Swimsuit sales! They may be cheaper, but they're still expensive!

Hikari introduced the theme of the episode: If you're feeling lost, let's go! It was like a remonstration not to wallow in indecisiveness for too long.

So they "let's-a-go"ed right into buying swmsuits.

The girls experienced the allure of shopping. They all ascribed to that feeling of not being able to choose the item they want so they want to pick both of them. It's what makes shopping so addictive!

It turns out that Ai doesn't like shopping for bikinis because she always has to buy two tops. She's a big girl up there and she's chosen the route of two tops to make sure she's covered. Hikari was impressed.

I had to laugh at her story of not realizing she lost a button below her chest so she "put on a show" for everyone.

The girls had some different reactions to their shopping haul. Futaba said goodbye to her allowance. Ai was satisfied with her bikinis. But Hikari looked anxious.

She had to psych herself up with her own carpe diem motivational phrase. Was it really that hard to ask the other girls if they wanted to go to the beach in their new swimsuits?

Grandma enjoyed the show. Me too!

Grandma pays attention to all sorts of things. She asked Futaba about her camera, which was the big deal last episode. Futaba realized she hadn't used her camera at all during their excursion because she was having so much fun. She got lost in today, which is another spin on the episode's title.

Grandma also remembered Futaba wanted to be ready to dive with Hikari before the Spring bloom was done. That was a nice way to mark progression in this show.

Futaba being Futaba, she was reluctant to share a concern she had with Hikari. Grandma picked up on what the issue was after she heard the story about how Hikari had given her a "treasure box" to hold her precious items.

Grandma said that when you come out of a dark place, everything seems so bright until your eyes adjust and then you can notice what's around you. But the brightness didn't produce the things you see; they were there all along. Futaba's admiration for Hikari is the same way.

That rush of excitement over a new friend or your friend doing something amazing for you is the bright light of you noticing something about them. But those things were always there, so don't let the rush of discovering this new thing add more value to the gesture or quality of your friend. That's you mixing your feelings with someone else's.

We've seen throughout the season that Hikari has her own issues, so in that regard she's just as insecure in different ways as Futaba. Futaba's concern, as they get closer to diving together, is that she won't add much value to their buddy team. It's like she's a low level RPG character being carried by a high level one for gaining experience.

But that's not the point of the buddy system. A diver doesn't have eyes in the back of her head and can't see everything with the limited scope of vision they have. Futaba intellectually understands this, but she still got lost in her preoccupation on whether she deserves to be Hikari's buddy.

If you're at a loss, let's a go!

Ai liked that concept too and immediately called for more training for Futaba.

Hikari called her methods "Sparta," as in Spartans, meaning tough.

Then, it was time for the test. Futaba really did learn how to swim in a couple of months.

The other kids thought Futaba's 10 minute float (I think it was supposed to be treading water) was going to be difficult, but her otter style back float was her specialty.

She passed! Yay!

This Cha cat really doesn't fear jumping across water, but I've never seen it actually get wet.

Katori was happy too. Maybe we can finally see some actual diving.

Maybe not, because next time we finally meet that little cat we see in the end credits.

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