Monday, July 25, 2016

Omake Gif Anime - Macross Delta - Episode 17 - Walkure Sing

The Walküre remind the audience that Macross isn't just about fighting with Variable Fighters, but superdimensional singing too. Deculture!

Makina and Reina prepared for their next battle in their own way.

The Walküre knew that one of their strategic weapons was Makina fanservice. Absolutely a weapon of mass destruction!

The mysterious Mikumo revealed she only has memories of the last seven years. That's a big clue that she's related to whatever Hayate's father did to Windermere.

Freyja made it pretty clear she was singing only for Hayate. Lucky dog. Unlucky Mirage...

Kaname usually doesn't have a moment to shine, but she sure was shiny this episode.

Mikumo teased Freyja about the source of her new singing inspiration.

I think we just found out who Reina's number one fan is in the local globular cluster.

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