Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Omake Gif Anime - Amaama to Inazuma - Episode 4 - Tsumugi Shock

Tsumugi was in for a shock when she discovered that those hated vegetables were mixed in with her beloved meat.

Shock gave way to major disappointment.

This is the face of meh.

Tsumugi is a good girl, so she did her best to eat the bell pepper and meat dish to please her dad, but the bitterness was too much for her.

The adventure for Kotori's kitchen was to make vegetables appealing in an au gratin dish. Tsumugi helped by casting a spell for non-clumpy cheese sauce.

Tsumugi is a clever girl too. She gathered up all the dreaded green bell peppers and snuck it into a spoonful she shared with her dad. He wasn't even mad. He was impressed.

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