Yurishia goes on a sightseeing "date" with Kizuna. Hayuru activates her Heart Hybrid. Aine shares her lunch and much more with Kizuna.
Episode 3 - "Gentle Days - MEMORIES"
If you're still watching the show by the third episode, you deserve a reward. Like a date with Yurishia! Hmm, sounded like a lot of work for McFluffer instead of a treat.
Actually, your reward for still watching the show was a triple serving of an exposition dump. I'm not even complaining. This episode handled the flow of information pretty well.
Yurishia took Kizuna on a trip that looked like it hit all the tourist spots of Japan, but it was a pretty good way of explaining how quickly people evacuated to the "megafloats," the big network of islands they're on, and how much of what's on there are just replicas.
We also saw how the tech teams support the fighters through mock battles and repairs. Both Kizuna and the engineers reacted the same way to Aine's dismissal of their efforts, "Well, excuuuse me!"
There are boys at this school! Also, the Amaterasu fighters are all girls, except for McFluffer who got different implants so that he could activate the Heart part of the Hybrid Gear. Why his mom was disappointed in him through the flashbacks is a part of the mystery of her sudden disappearance.
Both Hida siblings have some big issues with their mom. That's good characterization there.
Ha! Hayuru really is part of the disciplinary committee.
Yup. That's her saying "harenchi (lewd)!"
And just by the simple act of catching her fall, Kizuna activated her Heart Hybrid Gear. This proves that the mechanism for rapid recharging is rabu-rabu (lovey-dovey) instead of rub-rub.
Aine should learn that before she throws herself at Kizuna again.
Yes, cut-up repackaged convenience store sandwiches are homemade sandwiches. We believe you, Aine. No need for you to grow the wheat and catch the tuna by yourself...
Aine decided that their alone time was a perfect time for her to get stronger through sexual molestation. She read somewhere that exhibitionism raises the excitement in boys. Just what has she been reading?
Things didn't work out as she planned. She was too nervous to enjoy anything and groping isn't how the Heart Hybrid works anyway. Kizuna needs to call her cute again.
There actually was a purpose to the action scene of the episode. Kizuna didn't want to do any more heavy petting with Aine until he got to know her better, but she said that was impossible. The reason being, through his sister's exposition dump, was that she was found without memories seven years ago in Tokyo. Her last name is just the prefecture where she was found! She's suspiciously about the same age as when the first attack of the invaders happened...
The other important part of Reiri's exposition dump was that all the -ros Gears, Eros, Neros, Zeros and Kuros (yay, we found out what Yurishia's activation word is), have the fatal flaw that if their energy count goes down to zero, they die. Literally a fatal flaw. The Hidas' mother developed Kizuna's Eros Gear to offset that.
Yurishia really could have died last episode. And the girls don't even know this about their gear. Kizuna has extra incentive to keep them topped off.
Aine is embarrassed to ask, but she wants to know if you're ready.
She's not kidding. She's about to do some really humiliating things.
She's getting ready now. You better too. Because there's some NSFW stuff going to happen.
Ready? Here we go!
How's that? Got you going, didn't it?
Actually, there was hardly any nudity this episode. There was just a lot of time spent on Aine getting Kizuna to fondle her breasts.
That's all she got from their encounter in the first episode. I guess Kizuna is confused too. But what started the Heart Hybrid Gear going was Kizuna calling her cute when she opened her eyes. Heavy petting isn't going to do much without some emotional investment.
Aine was trying too hard to replicate their first session, but she was way too nervous to enjoy it. Need I remind you that Kizuna's name means "bonds" or "relationship ties?
Well, even the McFluffer can see that just grabbing Aine's breasts without context isn't going to do anything. At least he knows she's ready to go any time, but he still has to get her into the mood. Forcing it, even when she's willing, is going to be counterproductive.
Well, we did have some nudity, but nothing like the first two episodes. And we still haven't seen Hayuru's transformation scene.
Aw. I'll have some of Aine's "homemade" lunch.
Next time, a big ass fleet of aliens is poised to attack. I have a feeling Hayuru is going to get McFluffed and Aine is going to suffer an emotional and physical setback. Maybe that mysterious agent from last episode will show up again offer tantalizing clues about what Mrs. Hida has been doing all this time.
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