Sunday, May 01, 2016

10 Second Anime - Flying Witch - Episode 4

Makoto meets another witch and tries to help with her predicament.

Episode 4 - "A Fortune Teller Veiled in Cherry Blossoms"


Yay! This was the episode that revealed who the lovely animal lady was in the opening credits.

Inukai is her name and being a dog lady by day is her game.

Well, her game is actually fortune telling with her hamster familiar Al, but she was only doing that to stay in the same town where her "accident" happened.

Her accident was being turned into a dog lady by an experimental spell by Makoto's sister Akane!

Inukai knew from Akane that her little sister would eventually be coming to that town, so after being turned into a reverse weredog, she decided to stay until Makoto arrived so she could get in contact with Akane.

Good luck with that. That lady is flighty, carries no communication devices and no one knows how to contact her, much less her own family.

Before we met Inukai, Makoto spent time with her cousins enjoying the cherry blossom festival. We learned that Kei hates scary things like haunted mazes.

Chinatsu is quite the character, trying to hold a conversation with a hooded fortune teller as a stuffed white bear.

I couldn't tell what kind of furry Inukai was supposed to be until she herself made the punny connection with her name. Of course she'd be a dog! Inu (dog) is part of her name!

It also turns out that these two young witches love drinking.

Like, a lot of drinking.

Drinking so much that Inukai eats the experimental animal-changing spell that Akane had put into some fancy looking chocolates. Why did she have to put them into fancy looking chocolates? Drunk girls love eating fancy looking chocolates. I'm writing this sentence just to type fancy looking chocolates one more time!

Somehow, sexy looking Inukai became a sexy looking dog lady. Bronies better calm down a little.

Makoto tried to help her. Hey, if Akane is a genius witch, maybe her little sister is one too.

Eh, kind of. Her spell turned Inukai into a full dog instead of a full woman!

And then Akane showed up, whose only purpose was to make sure we have a daytime dog lady for the duration of the season. Well, Makoto said her little confection was only temporary because the actual spell couldn't be reversed. Akane explained that the experimental spell would eventually wear off too, but it was a really strong spell. Oh well. At least Chinatsu gets to play with dog ears for eight more weeks.

One of the fun parts of this episode was how it was teased that Inukai reverted back to full woman at night, but we never saw her supposedly beautiful face. At the end of the episode, Inukai was revealed. Yowza!

Well, I suppose she deserves a Yowza. All the faces in this show kind of look alike, but at least I can appreciate her nice figure and how her legs go all the way up her miniskirt.

The highlight of the show was Makoto actually doing witch stuff. Her little cauldron was so cute! And her aunt doesn't seem surprised by anything witch-related at all. I wonder if there was a whole bunch of witchy goings-on the last time Makoto was in town 6 years ago. The parents and Kei would have remembered all of it, but all this witch stuff is new to Chinatsu. In this regard, Chinatsu is our narrative guide.

Maybe next episode we'll meet the people living with a ghost? That would be neat.

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