Thursday, April 28, 2016

Omake Gif Anime - Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta - Episode 4 - Kyou Wields a Mouse

Kyou prepares her mighty mouse before starting another quest!

Ako was just reaching for something in her pocket. Get your mind out of the gutter!

Waifu's HP is low. She needs some Husband-o points!

Kyou knows that Nekohime-sensei has no right to admonish her net game club members.

Kyou's all fired up to roll some mystery items. Otherwise known as gambling.

Ako is all ready to gamble with other people's money!

Hooh. Was Husband-o talking to another girl in his class?

Ako just wants some attention. Give her some attention already, Nishumura.

And another haremette stumbles into the club room, accidentally revealing Akane's nerdy double life.

Akane has a reputation! She can't afford to embrace the full otaku lifestyle!

Akane thinks her Springtime of Youth is over.

Kyou needs not these things called "normal friends."

Ako suggests that she and Rusian try that sexy chatting thing that happens inside inns. I guess there are Love Hotels everywhere in Japan...

Oh ho! Ako made Rusian imagine "this and that."

Nekohime idol has an idol fan club. Too bad for her.

This newbie girl replicated almost exactly how Ako and Rusian first met.

Sette is playing the game for the first time. Gee, I wonder who she could be...

Sette is still learning the chat commands and the interface.

Ako doesn't like Husband-o paying attention to another girl.

Uh oh. That Nanako girl from Nishimura's classroom needed to get home really quick and all of a sudden Sette shows up squeezing herself all over him. Drama!

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