Mamori and Mirei find they're not the only ones to escape the Wärter castle. They also discover another faction on Mermaid Island.
Episode 3 - "Zero Arm"
There were two pretty meh moments this episode. The first is how anyone could believe that this Governor Akira is a boy. She fits almost every cliché from shoujo ai manga of the School Prince. At least the older ladies observing the girls appear aware that "he" is a liar.
The second moment came when the Wärter squad arrived at Torino's little village to take back the stolen goods and believed that Mirei was the thief. Right. The girl who only showed up two days before had been responsible for all the petty thefts that had occurred previously. I know these are supposed to be teenage girls, but they can't be this dumb.
Kind of a third meh was how these castle girls didn't know about Torino's enclave. This is an island. With an impenetrable shield. Where did they think these missing girls went? Just killed themselves in the jungle? Lots of premise holes in this show, but we're not watching for consistent logic. We're here for jiggle mechanics and lesbian lust presented in a unserious manner.
Quick reminder about that lesbian lust treated unseriously.
I'm appreciating the humor in this show. We've already got two inside jokes. The latest one is how the short girls can't get over Mirei being a year younger than they are.
Even Meifon, who's the same age as Mamori can't get over it. She also just wanted to cop another feel since she didn't get enough of Mirei's boobs when she broke her out of prison. The other joke is Mamori's surname spelled like "virgin" in Japanese. Meifon had to poke fun at that too saying how it looked like she just walked into the castle shouting "I am virgin!" in broken English.
If you notice, I'm calling the castle girls' group Wärter. That's German for "keeper" or "attendant" and comes from the German word for "wait" (warten). The Japanese, being lazy tongued bastards and loving homophone puns, probably got a kick out of this because how they pronounce Wärter also sounds like Welte (worlds) or Werte (values). That Governor girl said that she created Wärter to show their observers their worth so they could rejoin the world. Too bad they're also prison wardens.
I'm still not sure what the command structure looks like. Akira is supposed to be the Governor and Kasumi is in charge of Wärter (some kind of paramilitary police force), but what is Charlotte supposed to be in charge of? Besides getting her way with Kasumi and making boob slapping noises when she walks?
My guess is that she's the Gestapo, SS, or political officer to ensure loyalty and correctness. Lots of opportunities for morally depraved behavior in a position like that.
I didn't think it possible, but Mamori made a mad face!
Oh, I guess that's really a pouting face, slightly irked that Mirei the 15 year old has more "style" than her little 16 year old body. Mamori also showed an endearing moment of homesickness, clutching her cute little kitty hairpin. I just hope it wasn't her parents who sold her off to this place.
Speaking of "style," the older sister types really know how to bazoom around the island.
Not just Rein here, riding on Lady J in her motorcycle transformation, but that Torino lady too.
Oh hey, let's talk about the title of this episode - Zero Arm. It's actually related to Kasumi.
She kicks high. I don't understand how these powers work for the girls either. Some move around with devices, or Arms, that manifest on their bodies, some just become the weapons or whatever, like Mamori or Lady J and then some others just wield those kind of full transformations like Mirei and Rein. How does it all work? Apparently Kasumi is just strong like bull without needing to create an external device or becoming sexually aroused to operate it.
Personally, I think she's sexually frustrated all the time and it's those red glasses that are her Arm. I could be wrong about that, but I don't want to be!
Yes, Rein is literally riding Lady J. You can see her face, chest and legs right there.
Ooh, a cliffhanger. The adults are going to tell the kids they've been very naughty. Very naughty.
This show just doesn't quit with the NSFW nudity.
Mirei scared the bejeezus out of Mamori with her makeshift spear. Or maybe it was just the unabashed breast baring.
Good morning. Here's my breasts, wet panties and a sharp pointy stick. Intimidating much?
Thankfully, Mirei wasn't doing anything fishy. Har, I crack myself up...
Mamori had a lot of material to be pouty about.
One thing nice about trashy bad lesbian prison shows is that the main characters don't always win. The exploitative parts of these shows need situations where their clothes get ripped up and they're put into vulnerable situations. Also, there appeared to be some character growth in Mamori initiating sexual contact to start a defensive battle. She's a quick study.