Translated: The Ending Story - Ougi Formula. The next chapter of the Bakemonogatari series focuses on what and who is Ougi Oshino. The enigmatic Ougi Oshino meets Araragi for the first time and they solve a mystery and aberration together. Series premiere.
"Ougi Formula"
I've been watching Araragi for years now and this is the first I ever heard that he was good at math. Scary good at math! Nowadays, not so much, but I wonder if he'll get his math groove back after the aberration was dissolved.
I noticed that Ougi never really tried to open or close any of the doors or windows. She just unlocked and locked a window, but she didn't show Araragi that she could not push it open.
The opening discussion of Euler's Identity, which shows the relationship between natural logarithms and geometry, pointed at a very important clue about Ougi. Although Euler's Identity is mainly regarded for its description of cyclic patterns, Ougi liked that the expression equaled zero. From what we've seen of her in past stories, I'm not surprised about her preference for balance.
I still don't understand where Oshino is. Araragi never had the chance to ask him if this Ougi girl really was his niece. Of course, that's not a coincidence that he's out of the picture when she first appears.
I still don't understand where Oshino is. Araragi never had the chance to ask him if this Ougi girl really was his niece. Of course, that's not a coincidence that he's out of the picture when she first appears.
Of course. New season means new girl for Araragi to torment.
Was Sodachi the Twintailed Tsundere the first class representative for Araragi before he met Hanekawa?
The tyranny of the majority was one of the things a republic was supposed to solve. Oh well. Let's just say that people can be very clever. In Araragi's case, the horror that a vote could be taken to decide what objective truth was enough to create his own aberration.
Oh, thank goodness. We got a big helping of Hanekawa right before the end of the double episode.
Is Araragi all uncomfortable because he saw Hanekawa in her underwear a whole bunch of times before the school year started? The time frame for meeting Ougi for the first time was right after the Black and White Cat stories featuring Hanekawa. She became awfully informal after that.
I had no idea whispering in someone's ear required so much body motion!
Roar. Hanekawa's a monster. Nice reference to cat claws, though. At this point in the episode, she was trying to prevent Araragi from entering the classroom because Sodachi had come back to school after a two year absence. Hanekawa remembered how much she hated him for his perfect math scores. Funny how dissolving an aberration immediately sent the terrible teacher away and brought back the wrongly punished student.
This is the way to let viewers back into the story - dump them in the deep end of the pool. Hopefully the rest of the weekly airings are not double episodes. This is the start of the new season, so I'm sure there's lots of weird holes in the TV schedule. But this show has a lot of talking between the characters, so a full hour of yacking with all the clues thrown in makes it hard to digest.
The Bakemonogatari crew is back and I'm ready for a whole season's worth of storytelling instead of the short bursts we had earlier this year. Yay for continuity!
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