The boys' caper with Chiyo's help sets them free. The Underground Student Council faces consequences. Season Finale.
Episode 12 - "Good Morning Prison"
I thought they had gone over the top with the kissing scene in the last episode, but oh no, there was a top to that top they just jumped over.
From realizing that Chiyo kisses like a child to Kiyoshi sharing a mind with Gakuto about breaking through a surrounding army by just audaciously charging, I couldn't stop laughing.
Very interesting that Kiyoshi's conception of adult kissing comes from porno mags and girl-on-girl scenes. I mean, I guess that's what's going on here...
The animators treated a supposedly sensual French kiss the same way they treated all the other sight gags - with attention to detail bordering on gory. This part reminded me of all the blood when Kiyoshi got jabbed with a stick by Joe. Obviously not real, but drawn real. Well, the kissing scene did end up a little sexy when Hana started twitching before she lost consciousness. That was in character for her too, always getting incapacitated after a traumatic event.
The suspense for the boys' operation was well done too. Keeping certain details from the viewers, like what Chiyo was actually supposed to do and why Gakuto had a hilariously large bandage for his forehead cut. Those two things were the keys to getting at the computer in the office.
The final reveal for how everything worked was delicious.
The actual student council looks even more formidable than Mari's group.
Even Meiko was intimidated.
Let me just say that I'm glad the boys did not end up wearing the usual prison uniforms.
The girls' version is making me very impatient for a second season.
This is one occasion where an anime adaptation couldn't capture the full beauty of a character.
Black and white comics would have let the audience fully appreciate Meiko's catsuit, but the hyper realistic art style meant this scene and pretty much everywhere else we saw Meiko wearing her skinsuit had to be dark.
I thank the animators for their effort in adding super reflective highlights but it just wasn't good enough. Especially with the censors still putting in a shadow cone. Come on already.
At least Meiko's pee pee dance let us see what her suit looked like in well-lighted conditions.
Ha! Her last thought before ripping her suit to relieve herself was that she didn't want to end up like Gakuto in soiling himself publicly.
I like this Student Council President.
One last humiliation for Mari before serving her sentence.
I really appreciated the epilogue, showing the boys having the enjoyable school life they wanted when they first entered. I'm not sure what it means that Joe was happy enough to be with his ants when everyone else was having some kind of cute contact with the girls. Meiko might get jealous of the girl who also likes history spending time with Gakuto.
The introduction of the actual Student Council was perfectly timed for a continuation into a second season. We've been concentrating on what the boys saw of the school from prison, which wasn't much, but now that they're free, we have a chance to see what's really going on with this school which recently went coed and who the players, movers and shakers are.
This show is called Prison School and there are still some prisoners. Next season, let's go!
The Blu-rays let us see more of Meiko's catsuit and what she was doing to Anzu as she interrogated her. Didn't look like torture to me, but your mileage may vary...

Meiko's crotch watch, one last time!

Here's Hana and Kiyoshi making out while grinding naked crotches without that distracting commercial scrawl.

Anzu learned that Meiko's zipper does go all way down. Plus, Anzu regains her status as the nip-slip queen, although Meiko makes a compelling argument later in the episode.

Maybe that zipper hurts Anzu's sensitive nose, otherwise I wouldn't mind one of Meiko's question sessions.

Meiko takes a breather. I needed one too.

Uh oh. All the crotch grinding reminded Meiko she needed to go to the toilet.

Ah, the pee pee dance with a stuck zipper!
Meiko's Chest Butt of Jokes.
Meiko again stepped up to provide the last episode with NSFW fanservice.

She had to rip off her catsuit to make it in time. She just does not like wearing underwear at all.

Yeah, she had some uneasiness in her chest during the expulsion meeting. I'm sure it had nothing to do with her exposed nipples.
Final Thoughts.
When I saw the promotional material for this show and realized that it was the adaptation of the manga that had inspired so much fan art, figures and um, other things, I anticipated being entertained by the trashy sadomasochistic clichés that come with an ecchi prison comedy. I did not expect the stylized heist plots or the detailed art style. The harsh color palette made sure you knew this wasn't some kiddy show and even the sexy scenes, which would have been played for laughs or extraneous titillation in most ecchi shows, played out almost like horror show set pieces.
Mind you, this was not a serious show. It was a comedy for people who knew the anime clichés from horror, mystery, thrillers and even hentai. Sometimes I was reminded of Attack on Titan for how brutally drawn the characters were in supposedly comedic or sexy situations. If you like all kinds of dramatic anime, but also appreciate sexy shows and gag comedy, this mashup of genres is for you.
The manga is ongoing. The censorship pretty much guarantees brisk disk sales. My body is ready. Let's go back to Prison School!
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