Thursday, September 24, 2015

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 431

Infinite Tsukuyomi filler continues starring Karin and mostly her origin story.

Episode 431 - "To See That Smile Just One More Time"


Karin's dream was to see Sasuke's smile from a certain time again, yet we never saw that smile in the episode. Thanks for reminding me why I hate that guy so much.
Two important questions were answered: when and why did Karin fall in love with that cold emo Sasuke?

Really? All the way back in the original chuunin exams? Not during the three years Sasuke was with Orochimaru? I guess that's understandable. By the time Sasuke joined Orochimaru he was an insufferable prig and there's no way Karin would have fallen in love with him then.
As we saw with Karin's backstory, children in these ninja wars were treated pretty roughly. Konoha was always the exception because their culture insisted on safeguarding their children as the future and treasure of the village.
At least Karin got to feel good about her healing chakra getting sucked out when Sasuke did it.

The wish fulfillment part of Karin's dream didn't come until Sasuke was made Hokage. It looked like he wasn't very good at his job and he still favored wearing those Akatsuki robes without the clouds. And Karin only got a half smile out of that yutz. Ah well. Maybe she always knew she never really had a chance with him.
Dreamworld filler continues next week with Tsunade. Seeing Jiraiya is always a treat, so there's something to be excited about.

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