Friday, March 27, 2015

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 405

Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 405

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 405
Tenten and another ninja battle giant ants trying to escape a collapsed ruin.


Tenten captured an ocean by just letting waves hit her scroll? I guess it worked out.
Nice starfish hairclip on Lee there at the end.
That was a right irritated looking panda.
Tenten's got a nice looking axe... what?
I didn't like the inferiority complex the Hidden Rain ninja showed off regarding small ninja nations and the five superpowers, but hate and propaganda got to start somewhere if Nagato's message of pain was going to spread around.
The other ninja girl's summoning looked pretty similar to the Obito and Kakashi sharingan technique of sticking stuff in another dimension. Where exactly do Tenten's summons come from if they mimic the contract summoning between ninja animals and clone techniques? Is it just instant transportation from somewhere else? Tenten must have a big closet then, especially if she put an ocean in there somewhere...
Neither team got a scroll out of this encounter. They better hurry up.
Next episode, it's time to see what Ino, Chouji and Sakura are doing. I expect Chouji is going to hear a lot griping between Ino-pig and Forehead-Sakura.

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