Monday, February 16, 2015

Finds from the Grind - Oh Deer, Oh Dear

Passing deer to my right is much less stressful than passing dogs and their owner. You can see a mule deer slowly walking to the edge of the road on the right in the first few seconds. Behind it was a younger deer and a buck. They're not very skittish if you're quiet. On the other hand, finding dogs with their leashes covering my lane behind a blind curve with a car approaching in the other lane makes ME skittish.


  1. Good to see you're resuming the finds from the grind posts! Is that the light you have in winter or simply an overcast sky?

    BTW some nice pics I've just spotted:

    1. That's just an overcast sky. The next week, on this same road, the skies were clear blue.

  2. I'd like to have spring in winter too. Did I mention how much I hate winter? I hate it.

    PS: Bourbon is great, bodybuilders use beer to rid themselves of water weight, just sayin'.

    1. I switched to bourbon during my holiday break. Fewer calories, plus it's a nice way to expand my grown-up tastes. ... stop looking at me funny! My plan is to go back to beer when my metabolism goes into overdrive beginning around April. Right now, I'm only drinking a couple of beers on the weekends.

  3. No really, you should switch to beer right now and I'll be happy to rid you of that nasty bottle of bourbon, for the sake of friendship of course!


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