Sunday, November 02, 2014

10 Second Anime - Sword Art Online II - Episode 17

Sword Art Online II - Episode 17

10 Second Anime - Sword Art Online II - Episode 17 photo 10SecondAnime-SwordArtOnlineII-Episode17_zps3c4e7686.gif 

The New Year's Eve adventure ends with a successful quest, some bonus items, love points, and a nice feast shared with friends.


Freya was a guy!?!!! Oh man, when Freya said the stolen item was a golden hammer, I knew Thor was going to show up, but I didn't think he was going to pop out of Freya! I guess Loki helped Thor out with that transformation spell. Also, either Kirito is way unbalanced with STR, or the Mjollnir hammer deemed him worthy to pick him up. Poor Klein, spending charm points on a drag queen...


I'm on board with a quest taking only 3 episodes when it's supposed to be buddies killing a couple of hours on New Year's Eve before their get-together.

Watch out Sinon. No fair racing ahead of everyone else on harem points. At least Kirito knew the tough position he was in with his girlfriend watching and all.

Bonus points to Leafa in making the connection to use a lightning skill to find the hammer. Freya is the mother of Thor, so it wasn't too much of a leap to think the item responded to lightning.

With Urd being the quest giver, it was only a matter of time before Belldandy and Skuld showed up. Klein is such a sizeist: picking the smallest Hill Giant to throw some game at. He got Skuld's digits, though.

Hey, maybe a bow that has a 200 meter range is useful after all. A magic projectile wouldn't have been able to use an archer's lariat skill.

You know, Leafa used to be better at sword skills than Kirito in this game.

Omake Gif Anime - Sword Art Online II - Episode 17 - Leafa Slash photo OmakeGifAnime-SwordArtOnlineII-Episode17-LeafaSlash_zpsbf98a7e2.gif 

I think she has higher skill levels, but Kirito's blown out STR makes his high end crit dmg off the charts.

Isn't that always the way? Legendary drop you can't use...

I was really trying not to think dirty thoughts here.

Omake Gif Anime - Sword Art Online II - Episode 17 - Freya This Big photo OmakeGifAnime-SwordArtOnlineII-Episode17-FreyaThisBig_zpscf4279d6.gif 

It was my total loss...


I liked how Kirito had to choose to throw Excalibur back into the lake to escape, complaining about the Cardinal system drawing on legends for its quests. King Arthur also had to return Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. Sinon found a nice workaround though.

Kirito's party ended up saving ALfheim as they know it, but you know that can't be the end of this little adventure. The Frost Giant king warned the fairies not to trust the people of Asgard, and the Hill Giant people were connected to AI modules, so there's something more happening behind the scenes. Add in the fact that it was Kirito who actually pulled Excalibur into the game from an unreleased item database, and well... who knows what's happening next?

This little quest served as a nice interlude to get us reacquainted with ALO after spending so much time in GGO, because I think the next Act is going to take us to the end of the season. Will Skuld make another appearance? Will Klein put some points into hammer skills? Will there be another new opening credits? I hope Kirito and his friends enjoy their New Year's Eve party, paid for by the hard working Kirito himself, because I'm sure they'll be having dramatic times in the next few episodes.


  1. Yay, Belldandy! Totally got smiles from that.

    1. Not as good as the Aa Megami-sama Belldandy, but it's better than waiting another 2 years for an OVA. I liked how Crunchyroll subs totally borked on "verdandii."

    2. Yeah, Verdandii was pretty horrible...made me want more Ah My Goddess version sooner.


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