Wednesday, November 05, 2014

10 Second Anime - Madan no Ou to Vanadis - Episode 5

Madan no Ou to Vanadis - Episode 5

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Tigre's and Elen's forces attack Ludmila's army as Thenardier attempts to contain Alsace's movement. A well-placed citadel becomes the key to victory.


Even though Ludmila and Elen may be friendly rivals, that doesn't stop them from going all out on the battlefield.

Aw, I thought Lim was going to have a more comic reaction to Tigre fondling her as he sucked the snake's poison out of her, but I guess she's just grateful.

If you've been watching the little webisodes each week for this show, then you would know that Lim loves, loves, LOVES teddy bears. This explains the blushing when she stuck that bear cloak on Tigre, and pronounced his look "good."

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Whatever happens in a tree hollow, stays in the tree hollow... Good to know. Although, if the most scandalous thing that happened was a war maiden prepared strawberry tea for a simple hunter, I don't know if I'd want to go back to that tree hollow.

Hah, Tigre's alias is "Urs." As if we couldn't figure out the reference to "bear" from that.

Ludmila really is good at defense. That gate withstood an attack that Elen used to cut an armored dragon in half.

Was Ludmila afraid that Elen was going to spit the wheat gruel all over the place?

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Ooh, Tigre threw Elen on the ground! Mind you he was just saving her from a bunch of arrows, but it looks like she wasn't expecting him to be so forceful. Maybe she liked it...

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Elen's sword Arifar really likes this Tigre kid. Or maybe it just likes the bow he has. The bow didn't talk this time when Tigre combined their powers to blow a whole through the gate.

Hee! Elen almost got jealous over a piece of land. Tigre can't say he holds her in the highest regard when he's thinking of Alsace.

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The little councils in Elen's tent really brought home the idea that warfare is just another job to the nobles and war maidens. There's also rules about not fighting at night and making sure to collect the wounded from the battlefield.

Tigre learned from Ludmila during his reconnaissance that she doesn't really like working for the Thenardiers, but she has family obligations. Harem flag popped up.

The whole reason Tigre wanted to find a back entrance was to prevent Elen from just flying back there herself. Even then, they couldn't bring horses or a lot of armored men.


Thenardier and Ganelon are starting to mass their armies near Alsace, with Thenardier taking an aggressive posture against Tigre, and Ganelon just being opportunistic against Thnenardier. But with Tigre recruiting allies, he needs freedom to move, and that's where Ludmila comes in to help Thenardier. Since Tigre isn't ready to face Thenardier head on yet, it makes sense to roll over Ludmila, who is in another country. Thenardier can't back her up, militarily or politically, so she needs to do her job, even if its just to slow Tigre down by harassing his movements from her highly defensible citadel.

At the end of the episode, Tigre and Elen have busted down the gate and are storming the castle. We've got some intrigue with one of those assassins disguised as one of Elen's soldiers. I've got a feeling Tigre is going to convince Ludmila to stop fighting by using what he learned in that tree hollow sipping strawberry tea. Tsundere loli blush level 9000 coming up next!

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