Monday, July 14, 2014

10 Second Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 2

Akame ga Kill! - Episode 2

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Tatsumi joins Night Raid and meets the collection of characters there. After some "training" from Akame, he completes his first contract kill.


Ah. This is what it would look like if you stuck a sword in Usa's hand, and all the other characters from Kawaisou were assassins. Looks like he's an oddball handler too!

When Tatsumi started begging his target for a job, I thought he was serious! Maybe he still had those feelings of getting a legitimate job with the military, but whatever the case, he totally sold it.

Cooking and hunting use the same skills necessary for an assassination squad? Huh. Actually, that was a pretty good explanation for the unorthodox training. Cooking with a partner is all about communication and timing, almost like a dance. And hunting has obvious similarities with tracking down the target and executing the kill.

I am digging the facial expressions for the comedic reactions.

We got busty onee-san, twin-tail tsundere pettanko, kuudere, megane airhead, gay muscleman, peeping tom pervert, and girl-school prince. I'm okay with that.

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The Boss never gave her name, but we got it from the Wanted Posters anyway. Najenda, Akame, and Bulat had nice drawings hung up on Main Street.

Okay, not technically rokketo panchi, but I'll allow it.

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I like that Tatsumi is going to draw from his experiences with his dead friends to get him through this new adventure with Night Raid. Good.


Leone is mai waifu. Just throwing it out there.

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Tatsumi is too easy of a target for all her teasing. She'll have lots of fun with the newbie.

Akame has nice straight posture too.

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Having her red tie hang out in the middle of space because of, ah... It's those little details I appreciate.

She's also a very thorough body inspector.

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It's your own fault for bragging that you didn't even get a scratch in your fight with the target, Tatsumi.

Speaking of that fight, someone's being a very humble BAMF.

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We knew from the first episode that Tatsumi was very quick with his sword, but this fight showed that he's also got strong defense. When he took that full-on swing and didn't buckle, I was impressed. He's no glass cannon build. It also helped convince me that this show isn't taking the easy way out with nuanced morality. That was a bad man Tatsumi killed.


There were some nods to the fans of the work that this anime was adapted from, like the scene with Akame killing the corrupt merchant, and some of the scenes with Tatsumi's fight. Nice, stylized punctuation marks in the adapted animation. That's good stuff right there.

There's open rebellion brewing in the outskirts of the empire, and it makes sense that covert work is necessary to prepare the capital city for the overt military struggle to come. That makes for more intimate story telling and gives us more time to spend with each of the weirdo characters.

Action, sexy times, gag jokes, and nice shared moments are going to be the formula for most of the episodes. I'm looking forward to that.

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