Monday, June 23, 2014

Finds from the Grind - Whoa! I Don't Even...

Whoa! I Don't Even...

No, really. I don't even... Walker decides to cross right in front of me.

From my rollerblading days, I've hated walkers on multi-use paths. Runners and joggers are fine, except when you're coming from behind them, because they can usually judge distance, and are used to paying attention to their surroundings. But trying to warn a jogger or runner that you're passing on their left gives you a 50-50 chance of them jumping to their left. Better just to yell, "Watch out!" to make them freeze so you can pass safely.

Walkers are totally different. Can't judge distance, can't judge speed, don't check their immediate vicinity before suddenly stopping, suddenly changing direction, suddenly pointing... Like this lady, who I'm sure is very nice most of the time, checked oncoming traffic, namely me, checked the other way, but then just stepped into the street without checking again. Why? Can't judge distance, can't judge speed, doesn't check immediate vicinity. Typical walker.


  1. Don't get me started! A couple days ago I barely avoided a kid crossing a bike path looking the other way, he didn't respond to my warning. He just kept walking and then casually, slowly turned his head with a delayed movement. Maybe he learned that from his parents, when adults are doing it on purpose I can usually tell because turn their head around and fix their stare in the opposite direction to cross anyway.

    Today a woman pulled the same trick in the middle of a road, she only came back to this world when she heard my shifter clicking. On second thought maybe I should get a Campag wheelset: everybody seem to be noticing those.

    1. I think the loudest wheels I've ever heard are Rolf Vectors. Sounds like you put some playing cards in your spokes when you coast.

  2. This is still the weirdest thing I found rolling around the Rose Bowl. Running in his socks... I don't even...

    1. It's weird because the whole barefoot running movement is a sham:

    2. Well, I think that kid was running in his socks because his buddy had just stolen his shoes and thrown them on the other side of the street.

    3. Har...okay...context on that scene would have been better! That sounds funnier that way.


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