Sunday, June 08, 2014

10 Second Anime - Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Episode 10

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Episode 10

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Hayashi apologizes to Usa. Chinatsu comes over to play. Ritsu gets jealous.


Mayumi signed up for a screwball comedy, and if this slice of life show about strange people turns into a teenage romantic comedy, she's going to be pissed! Fine. Bring on the screwballs!

It looks like Hayashi, just like Mori Summer, hasn't completely given up her interest in ghost stories.

Ritsu still displays an odd interest in old-fashioned arts and crafts. We go from big bubbles to shiny mud balls.

Mayumi shows bad form in making crude jokes about "playing with balls," even if the jokes go over Chinatsu's head, and Ritsu just ignores them. This is why Mayumi is mai waifu.

If it weren't for incorrect analyses and misunderstandings, and the over the top reactions to them, this show would be Tamayura. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin'.

Does Ritsu go for the interpretation that Usa is just being nice to her because she thinks she's a screwball too, or just to ignore her jealous feelings of Usa paying attention to Hayashi? Or both? Never mind that Hayashi is just going to the café because of the Guardian Spirit Dude, which Mayumi knows. That's a weird kind of obliviousness on Ritsu's part: overanalyzing the bits she does know, while being completely ignorant of relevant circumstances. The show makes a point that Ritsu's personality trait comes from how much she likes living in the world of the book she's reading.

Outspoken children proclaiming obvious truths that adults somehow think should be kept quiet is always funny. Funnier here, because it's assumed Chinatsu has a sadistic streak, and spouts these things to make people feel uncomfortable on purpose. The way she skipped over Mayumi having a boyfriend may add some truth to that...

Jealous Ritsu is hilarious. "What would you do if Chinatsu was Usa's girlfriend?"
"Call the cops on Usa."
"What would you do if Mayumi was Usa's girlfriend?"
"Call the cops on Mayumi."

A maiden's feelings are like fluttering leaves in the wind. If you tease a girl too much about a guy she might like, instead of getting mad at you, she gets mad at the guy. Poor Usa. This is where you learn that it's a man's job to apologize for things totally out of your control.

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