Wednesday, November 27, 2013

10 Second Anime - Kyoukai no Kanata - Episode 9

Kyoukai no Kanata - Episode 9

The Society is definitely aiming for the Nase family. Bad-assery all around from the Nase siblings. Akihito goes haywire, and Mirai goes after him.

The Society's Agent-man holds his own against Izumi, but only for a little while. Things were going to get pretty bad for him the longer the battle drew out. However, he has quite a few little plans in motion, going after whatever pieces the Nase clan has in creating the Beyond the Boundary. Agent-man's plans involved retrieving Akihito and the crystal of the Hollow Shadow. He had to power up his youmu-eating weapon, because he knew that capturing Akihito would involve direct confrontation with a powerful youmu in Ayaka. He had even counted on the timing of the Calm to get past her. He hadn't counted on Izumi showing up, admitting as much when he explains that the gun he has can't hurt people as much as youmu.

His other operation was more subtle. He sowed seeds of doubt in the younger Nase siblings, which is why he had his little talk with Mitsuki and Hiromi about Izumi's intentions toward Akihito and Mirai. This was to have one of them show him or gain him entry into the Nase family vault to retrieve the Hollow Shadow crystal, which Hiromi does. Before Agent-man steals the crystal, Hiromi reads the family files on how Akihito is the key to creating the Beyond the Boundary.

What the society doesn't know is how complicated the Nase family plan is too. The Hollow Shadow crystal was used only as a distraction for the Society, should they ever get that close to the vault. The real prize is manipulating Mirai into killing an immortal half-youmu. Again, the timing of the Calm was essential, to weaken the youmu enough for her cursed blood to work. However, Izumi needed to weaken the human half just a little bit more so that the youmu half was stronger, and Mirai would be forced into killing it.  Wheels within wheels here.

We still get some touching moments in the middle of all this action. Poor Ai was attacked by Akihito's youmu form, and reverted to her two-tailed Scottish Fold cat form. We get a better look at the scars on Hiromi's back from tussling with Akihito from some time before. Plus, we see how well the Nase siblings work together to take down a huge monster, by combining their barrier powers and crushing it to death. And we can't have an episode without referencing the boys' respective tastes. Like Hiromi expecting a thank you from his little sister, but accepting it was for her familiar Yakimo instead. And Akihito planning on getting another pair of glasses for Mirai on her birthday. She said it was "unpleasant," but her tone implied something else.

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