Sunday, September 29, 2013

10 Second Anime - Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S - Episode 24 [END]

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S Episode 24 [END]

Action! Chokepoints! Mecha vs. Mecha! Nerd Slap! Railgun doing her Railgun thing. And a happy end.

There were some nice surprises for how the Railgun girls and their friends dealt with the plans of STUDY. They may have neutralized the official police force of Anti-Skill, but they didn't count on the entire student discipline squad of Judgment to come and keep the 20,000 robots bottled up inside the conference center grounds. Throw in dozens of espers to take out their share of robots, plus a couple of Level 5's in the football stadium to take out the bulk, and STUDY had to go to phase 2 awfully quick.

They brought in bigger mechs, but Kongou's papa lent her a brand new toy, piloted by their own video game crazy Level 0 in Saten. Whomp whomp, double nerd defeat. Also, the communications jamming that STUDY liked to do? Taken out by ad hoc telepathic network. Superior strategic planning by Uihara and Mii. And trying to use the 4th ranked Level 5's meltdowner power on the 3rd ranked? Nerd please. That Meltdowner lady was not too happy about her powers being copied by a couple of robots, so ITEM finished off the rest.

That diversion let Mikoto and Febri into the command center awfully quick, which forced megane-douche to go to the suicidal-blow-up-the-town final plan. Oh, and instead of being there to watch his AIM Diffusion Field Fission missile explode, he decided to take the coward's way out too, by shooting himself in the head. Wait, he tried that with a metal gun in front of an electromaster? I thought he was supposed to be smart. Here's what Mikoto thought about having to save his life too.

But the missile was launched, and there was no abort failsafe, and the computers Uihara had access too were too slow in calculating an intercept solution. Oh, Mikoto might know about a supercomputer made up of 10,000 individual networked computers. One rocket trajectory is nothing compared to simulating a local atmosphere, right? The MISAKA network provided the calculations, Hongou's supermech was modified for suborbital flight, and Mikoto showed she doesn't have to use 100 yen coins to make her Railgun work. The day was saved, and Janie was freed by the power of Gekota, uh, sisterly love.

Final Thoughts: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S was a good installment for fans of the Magical Index universe. The first half was straight up adaptation from the light novels, which got a quick treatment in the first season to introduce Spiky-kun (Toma) to Biri-biri (Mikoto), but was fully developed here. The last arc was anime original, was pretty much designed to have all the characters we don't see much of have a chance to shine. Especially Mitsuko Kongou. She practically stole the show with her ojou-sama laugh behind her fan. All good fun and a nice continuation of Index animes.

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