Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - Episode 10
My fua-fua cute-girls-do-cute-things anime has turned into an angsty coming of age drama. Yura quits one club, only to be dismissed by another.
Yura joins Rin's airsoft club at her school, and quickly gains the reputation of being reckless and too focused on individual kills instead of group tactics. Uh, just like why she left the fun-loving Stella girls. Rin notices this, and uses the tactic of forcing Yura to play medic in competition until she learns to support the overall team goals. Yura learns the wrong lesson, and concentrates on maximizing her killing efficiency in the last five minutes when a medic can shoot back. Rin keeps assigning her the medic position to pound this into her, but even Rento paying a visit and stressing the camaraderie aspects of joining a club doesn't sway Yura. After a teammate sprains an ankle, and Yura only makes sure she's not seriously injured enough to keep getting her shots in, Rin has had enough, and dismisses her from the team. So what is next for Yura?
I don't care what's next, just give me my fluffy school girl comedy back. It's one thing for a fluffy anime to turn serious while the girls fight some external enemy, but fight each other and inner demons? I'd rather watch sparkly vampires.

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