Kazuhito's classmate Hami challenges Natsuno to a writers' duel, so that she can become a real author. Eh, go with it.
Some episodes of Dog and Scissors really let you know it's a gag comedy anime. Like this one. Let's get the exposition out of the way first. Kazuhito's classmate Hami Osawa is the author of Celestial Romance, written in the style of the renowned Akiyama. She had written a manuscript while in high school, and Kazuhito had promised to read it when it was published, but he went and died. Hami became an author, using an anagram of his name as her pen name, but couldn't finish the manuscript after Kazuhito died. Even learning that he had come back as a book-buying wiener dog couldn't motivate her to finish the manuscript.
Here's where I'm screwed up with the timeline of events. Hami had become an author, which means she had become published. But she couldn't finish the manuscript that Kazuhito had promised to read, so she wrote the other book in the style of Akiyama, which is her only book, as far as the story goes. She thinks of herself as a fake author because she's too influenced by Akiyama's style, and she used her father's connections and techniques to write and publish the book. The techniques part will be relevant later. So to become a real author, in order to finish the manuscript and keep her promise to Kazuhito, she must defeat the author inside her, Akiyama. Yeah, she's crazy.
However, the motivation is screwed up in the sequence of events. Hami challenges Natsuno to a writers' duel, some bizarre made up thing (gag comedy), and uses underhanded Osawa writing techniques to distract or slow down Natsuno. But the last card she played was one she had used in the published book Celestial Romance: subliminal commands to kill the red-eyed girl wearing black and holding scissors. This is where all the hypnotized people trying to kill Natsuno came from in the last couple of episodes. So, here's where I'm confused: did she get this book published before she knew Kazuhito was a dog, or after? If it was after, then everything is cool, and she went crazy trying to kill Natsuno to become a real author so she could finish the manuscript and have Kazuhito read it. But if it was before, then...? I'll decide it was after, just to spare my crazy Western sensibilities of viewing time as a sequence of events instead of the Eastern flow of a river or splashing like a fountain.
Anyway, Natsuno wins the writers' duel, takes in Hami as an apprentice, and practices some Osawa subliminal techniques in her latest book, to make Kazuhito leave those books behind and give her some affection. When is she going to finish that last book in the 7 Deadly Sins series?

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