Hyperdimension Neptunia - Episode 11
Planeptune's share has increased dramatically, so Neptune wants to throw a party. The other goddesses aren't so happy about that, since share increase means share decrease some place else. An ancient goddess awakens, showing herself as the source of the increased share.
Well, I'll just spoil everything and say that the mastermind behind the PC plot, and Anonydeath's client was the hidden personality of the useless social activist. Her true name: Tari. As in Atari. Talk about ancient video game empires. The Atari name that is out there today is not the same one from the 80's that made the console, and died with the advent of PC gaming in America. The current one is just a holding company that owns several publishing licenses. The mid 1990's was a dark time for console gaming, with only Nintendo and Sega battling for supremacy. Much like this episode when Lowee blames Neptune for the her decrease in share and accuses her of stealing.
It turns out the continent of Planeptune was built on the ruins of Tari (oh man, this is actually so true on many levels, from consoles, to game titles, to arcade machines), and now the goddess wants her land back. Interesting things to note about her power: it's the same color and consistency as the share draining goop from the Forgotten Games island in the previous Arfiore arc. The bottom of Tari's floating ruin seems to be housing another machine and share crystal like the external one that powered PC. Does this share draining vortex explain why Planeptune was gaining share at the expense of her goddess friends?
Her land's communications are cut off and the other console lands have no idea what is happening. Can Neptune save her land by herself? Nice cliffhanger for the penultimate episode!

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