Attack on Titan - Episode 20
The blonde female titan has quite a few tricks up her sleeve, and the one controlling it slips away in the confusion. Captain Levi's team is tracking the infiltrator, so discovering the infiltrator's identity gets put off for another episode.
Obligatory "dat ass" comment. So this titan can harden specific parts of its body, which prevented the Recon Corps from cutting out the pilot. Captain Levi then provoked the pilot by threatening to cut off her limbs, assuming they would grow back like Eren's did. Maybe that's not the case, because she howled like a demon, and brought the regular titan horde to eat up the captured titan, and she slipped away in the steam and gore. Commander Erwin gave up on bringing in the titan body, but tasked Levi with searching for an infiltrator. I guess we wait another week to find out who the enemy is.
Since the Scouting Legion is constantly on the front line, fighting Titans, its high fatality, low success rate (if at all) discourages most people from joining the legion. Thus, the legion suffers an all-time personnel shortage and the only soldiers who enter the Scouting Legion are dedicated to the cause of humanity usually at the cost of their own lives! This is the Eren Jaeger cosplay costume for Recon Corps (Scouting Legion) in Attack on Titan! And Hanji Zoe is a Squad Leader from the Scouting Legion. Hanji conducts research on Titans and, as such, is deeply interested in Eren Jaeger, who can turn into a Titan. Hanji is very passionate and driven in pursuit of new knowledge. And Hanji Zoe cosplay costume from www.cosplayfield.com also pretty popular in Attack on Titan cosplay field!