Saturday, June 04, 2011

Let's Be Polite Cyclists

Cafe Etiquette 101 | Cycling Tips:
"It’s a common scene for most of us. After a ride we’ll head to our favorite cafe, lean a dozen bikes up against their clean windows, clip-clop in, move 2-3 tables together, then take our sweaty helmets and gloves off and lay them all over the place. Then we’ll settle in, loudly discuss anything and everything cycling and woo at the pretty girls passing by."

I've never been with a group of cyclists at a cafe where we displayed the kinds of behavior in Cycling Tips' post (we tend to be the nice-guy cycling group), but it never hurts to be reminded to be as aware of our surroundings off the bike sipping a latte, as we are when we're mixing it up with cars on the street.

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