Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tour Tidbit du Jour - 7/18/2009

George Hincapie missed out on the yellow jersey at the end of today's stage by only 5 seconds, so, of course, there was a lot of finger pointing about which teams did what to make the peloton ride so fast to catch him. Incidentally, Hincapie holds the American record for most appearances at the Tour de France, riding in his 14th, which is the same number as four other Frenchman, active rider Christophe Moreau, perennial bridesmaid Raymond Poulidor, pre-modern era Jules Deloffre, and André Darrigade, who rode during the Jacque Anquetil years, and one German Eric Zabel, who just retired last year. There are quite a few Belgians who have ridden 15, and one Dutch, but the record, at 16, is held by another Dutchman Joop Zoetemelk, who last rode in 1986.

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