Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's been a while since I drank any green beer, (block party in San Francisco in the 90's...) so I've come around to Frazz's take on the quality of beer that can actually show the green color:

© Jef Mallett

Instead, I wear the green bike jersey!

And bonus, green beer label, instead of cheap green beer. Also, happy birthday wishes to my internet friend Fatwa Arbuckle, whose girlfriend claims he's older than dirt... Hmm, I'm sure there's some silica lying around that doesn't look a day over 45!


  1. Well, if you put in enough green dye...

    Or you can just drink until the beer turns green spontaneously. That can totally happen.

  2. no posts for a while...maybe joe shmuck croaked!

  3. "joe schmuck" Debbie? Come on, you're better than that! I guess picking up roadkill for a couple of days was enough to mellow you out.


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