Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pikachu is Real!

If you've ever wondered if the electrified hamster known as Pikachu from the Pokemon animated universe was based on something real, now you have your answer.

Side by side comparison of the pika with Pikachu.

Allegedly, the pika's numbers aren't so hot in the Pacific Northwest, so, of course, some conservationist group wants to put them on the endangered species list. The reason: nebulous bugaboo global warming. Can we go back to the days when evil loggers caused all these cute, furry animals to leave their oh-so stable ecosystems and become so stressed out they couldn't make babies anymore? Here, the claim is that the poor pika's fur is so thick, it can't survive if temperatures hit above 80 degrees. Just how long in the future is this alleged endangerment supposed to be? Cuz, last I checked, the Pacific Northwest had more snow than they could handle this last winter, and even global warming predictions don't have North America approaching an 80 degrees average until 1000 years from now. Go figure on that one...

Well, maybe the little pika can adapt by electrifying itself so it can power some air conditioning for its rocky nests.

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