Friday, August 08, 2008

Helmety Product Demonstration

A few weeks back, we saw a couple of different commercial genres trying to sell human-based stroyent (no accident that it reminds one of soylent green; it is made of people, somehow...). We had prescription drug testimonial and a gimmicky "as seen on TV" appliance, but we didn't have the product demonstration lab, complete with overly stimulated audience. Well, here you go. I guess the voice actors had to go with referencing that Aussie hand waver, only because trying to shoot for the ubiquitous Billy May would have required graphic intensive "beard enhancement."

"Order now, and receive this handsome, commemorative plate!"


  1. WTH? A post a week? What kind of traffic do you expect with THAT kind of blogging? Or Google Ad clicks for that matter?

    And what's the deal with this "Word Verification" critter? This time, I had to type "xiroquerf67frihfie0oprts". That sees a bit extreme. Just sayin'


  2. Sven!

    Heh. This is what I hate about an election year: even the sciencey stories get to take potshots at the politicians, more often the Republican party than the other guys. I mean, is there really a science and technology angle to candidates' policies on energy and oil drilling? I remember when that kind of story was a political, US events, and business story. But science and tech? Blech.

    Also, sorry about the word verification, but there's just so many sploggers (spam bloggers) leaving comments, that it's just the best way to go.

    But, hey, guess what! New post tomorrow. I love posting once a week, except for the Tour de France. That was special. The Olympics? Not so much.


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