Thursday, July 03, 2008

Finds From The Grind V

What I found today: car in a tree. No, I'm not kidding! While climbing up Highland Oaks in Arcadia, I saw part of the street blocked off by cop cars and fire engines. I didn't see any smoke, so I wondered if I was going to be slowly pedaling into a hostage situation. Nope. Car in a tree. Somehow, an elderly man had jumped his white car over the curb, pieces of the car still on the road, and the car itself had worked its way up a low curving tree trunk. The emergency crew were trying to figure out how to drag the car off the tree without damaging it, which was going to be difficult, since the car was only making contact with the ground by its rear bumper. Sadly, no pictures, because I was going up a steep hill and starting again would have been very difficult.

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