Monday, May 12, 2008

Little Tree!

Here's where just a little more research could have helped this comic strip:

Lio © Mark Tatulli しまった

You see the kanji (Japanese characters) up there? They are for the word "bonsai" (盆栽), which are examples of the art of making miniatures out of trees or bushes. I'm sure the artist meant the little shogun to say 万歳!, which is spelled in English: "banzai," which means "hurray!", but has been popularized in cinema as what Japanese kamikaze pilots yelled as they crashed their planes into Allied warships. If only Mark Tatulli had googled what bonsai meant before taking the computer translation. Whoops (しまった)!


  1. Dude - where's the helmety goodness?

  2. Dude,

    I guess I owe you guys a backlog. Expect some to start showing up this weekend.


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