Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More iSchadenfreude

Original reviewers of the iPhone are amending their original reviews, after the firmware update that iBricked hacked iPhones, and iCrapped downloaded third-party applications. But most unforgiveable, you can't use the NES emulator to play Super Mario Brothers anymore!

Mario will miss his mushrooms.
Mario and Luigi have to give up on rescuing the princess!

iUpdate: Apple also bolstered its reputation as the least environmentally conscious tech company by including many toxic chemicals in the manufacture of the iPhone, even after promising not to. Of particular focus: the soldered battery makes parts recycling difficult and costly. Of course, that just fits in with Apple's philosophy of disposable electronics.

1 comment:

  1. Friend: Dude, does Dave have an iPhone yet?

    Me: He's a software engineer; not an idiot.


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