Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Well, they've even give peace prizes to lying terrorists like Yasser Arafat, and look how well that turned out 15 years later for the Palestinian people. So, color me not impressed.


  1. Oh it was AL Gore that won-I thought it was Tipper for all of her hard work with the PMRC.

    An Oscar, a Nobel Peace Prize...what's next for this American Idol?


  2. Sven:

    Tipper's work on slapping content labels on music seems to have had the same effect as Arafat, if on a much more minor scale. How many rappers have died or been injured, either as targets or caught in the cross-fire, by the "permission" given to harrass people through profanity? The label seems to have encouraged a culture of the profane, of violence, and of sexual denigration, rather than to have kept such adult topics out of the hands of children. It's a marketing tool now! Not a lot of peace promotion through explicit lyrics...

  3. Joe,
    One of Tipper’s first targets with the PMRC was heavy metal-and the immediate impact of the PMRC label was to increase sales of those albums that had the PRMC label slapped on them. But she did it for the children….intent should count for something. After all, Mr Nobel made his fortune in the explosives industry, something not generally seen as a peaceful pursuit.
    The rap/hip hop culture has its own demons-not sure if Tipper can be held accountable there. Art imitating life, or music influencing culture? I wonder though, since I don’t download music-is there a virtual analogue to the PMRC label when you buy music online?
    The lesson though, is that both Al and Tipper are geniuses when it comes to marketing-Tipper just had it backwards.


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