Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tour Tidbit du Jour - 7/12/07

Normally, I don't like going back to the same interview subject too many times, because I like to mix things up. However, our friendly Utah native from Team CSC just provides so many tidbits on life away from the bike during the Tour de France, I had to share his insights again. Like describing his two star youth hostel, the boring food, and how much he pays attention to detail when he looks at the course map.


  1. well, that one logo right over his heart says it all: skoda.

    when my high-school students in bratislava and i were teaching each other mutual slang, they taught me "to je skoda." which as i understood it basically means: "oh. that's too bad. you're a freaking idiot."

  2. Otta:

    That's hilarious, since Skoda is supposed to be a Czech car manufacturer. I wonder what that says about their drivers...

  3. Skoda was one of the makers of artillery and tanks used by the Germans in the world wars.


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