Monday, July 30, 2007

Possible Good News for Jittery Outdoor Enthusiasts

If you're like me, who spends hours in the sun while exercising, the amount of sunlight you get is a constant worry. Not only do you have to worry about ridiculous tan lines, but there's the specter of increasing the odds for skin cancer, even with all that sunblock slathered on. I'm naturally melanin enhanced, thanks to my Pacific Islander heritage, so I usually don't put sunblock on, unless I'm going to be in the sun for more than six hours, but little did I know that I do something to protect myself from skin cancer without covering up like a mummy: I drink buttloads of coffee.

According to the experiment, mice that drank the equivalent of caffeine found in 1 or 2 cups of coffee, and ran their little buzzed hearts out on a wheel, were found to have fewer incidents of cancerous growths than mice who did one or the other, or neither. Well, I'm not a mouse, and I don't run on an exercise wheel (literally anyway...), so I don't know how much this experiment will apply to humans. Also, I don't drink more than two cups of coffee during a ride after the results of my own experiment proved a little bit detrimental to my heart rate, so I won't worry about the drop-off in apoptotic cells. So, if you like coffee and sweating outdoors, there's now a possibility you don't have to worry about contracting skin cancer later in life.

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