Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Some Anti-Western Bias

The lede says it all in showcasing the anti-western bias.

SINGAPORE (AP) -- Asia is bracing for a dramatic surge in cancer rates over the next decade as people in the developing world live longer and adopt bad Western habits that greatly increase the risk of the disease.[emph. added]

Actually, any population with longer life expectancy has higher cancer rates. Of course, that's not said anywhere. Also not mentioned, the cause of the longer life expectancies. Not dying from malaria is given short shrift, but the main causes are adopting good Western habits, like sewage systems separated from potable water sources, increased sanitary conditions in food handling and medical care, and not throwing garbage in the middle of the street. What about all the increased cancer rates from the horrible pollution found in most Asian urban centers? Oh, that's right. People have been dying too soon from dysentery to develop cancer. How about comparing Japan's and South Korea's cancer rates and life expectancy with the rest of developing Asia, you know, for nuance? You might not have had to bring in cheeseburgers and smoking at all.

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