Monday, April 16, 2007

UK: Deforestation Can Cut CO2 Emissions!

I just read this jaw-dropping headline over at Climate Science: UK plans to cut emissions by felling more trees. Along with Roger Pielke, I thought that this was a joke, but it was not. Read Prof. Pielke's response to the UK's proposed policy, because he knows the dangers of wood-burning pollution. I only want to add that ideas such as returning to wood-burning, or shutting down lights for an hour in Sydney, reinforce my opinion that the crowd that blames people for global warming really want us to go back to the Stone Age. Cut energy use! Turn off your fancy Gaia-killing electricity and sit in the dark next to your carbon monoxide poisoning wood-stove!

What does the tree-worshipping sect of the environmental movement think about Britain's plan? The Reuters article makes absolutely no mention of the anti-deforestation crowd or their reaction. How is that even balanced coverage? Nevermind the warming effects of deforestation for the local climate. Replacing coal or oil with wood-burning would require much more logging than this plan proposes, and the growth of the newly-planted trees would not offset the carbon emissions until 30 years later.

I'm just flabbergasted that people in the 21st century think that wood-burning is cleaner than fossil fuels. Look here at this obvious lie: "This is a major obstacle to the growth of biomass heating and support from government is needed to ensure dirty fossil fuel boilers are replaced with wood-burning ones quickly enough to establish effective supply chains, the Commission said." [emph. added] Absolutely bizarre what the CO2 emissions theory for global warming has caused people, and even governments, to do.

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