Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nowhere to Hide

It's a bit of a slow news day for the things that I find interesting. It happens every once in a while. Oh sure, there's some more evidence, this time it's genomic, of the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and modern birds. The coolest thing in that article is that biologic material was actually preserved inside a fossil specimen, which could lead paleontologists to revise their preservation procedures.

But, other than that, I was very interested in the existential ninja disease. Very heartbreaking... and rib-breaking, femur-snapping, etc...

"Mom? Jean-Claude Van Damme's career did go to a barn, right?"


  1. life itself is out to get it

    oh lordy. i love the ninja.

    joe. are you the ninja? tell the truth.

  2. but he is and i am and there is.


  3. Otta:

    Unfortunately, no, I am not the ninja, nor do I play one on, uh, some other ninja TV show.

    But you can still ask me anything. Hmmm, Ask A Joeschmo. That has a certain ring to it, no? Uh, no.


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