Sunday, April 22, 2007

Monkey Appreciation

Far be it from me to criticize how another likes to express his monkey preferences, but I don't agree with getting excited over prejudiced chocolate simians.

Get Fuzzy courtesy of Darby Conley

As for me, I like my monkeys three-headed and ready to dance!


  1. Chocolate covered monkeys are a waste of good chocolate!

    Did you see Sinner's latest entry at 7Sins? I seem to recall emailing the same story to a blogger (who apparently didn't find it post-worthy). Now who was that again? Hmm....I think I remember...

  2. Mari:

    Bah! Stem cells. Big Whoop. Besides, sometimes the monkey dances when you want him to, and sometimes he just wants some good whip cream. Tricksy monkeys...


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