Sunday, March 18, 2007

Is This What They Meant By Multiculturalism?

As one might be able to tell, I really like this comic strip Get Fuzzy. Because even the most prejudiced character, with a little cultural exchange, can broaden his perspective.

Get Fuzzy courtesy of Darbey Conley


  1. an entire nation of men devoting their lives to hair gel and shiny clothes
    ah ahahahahahahahahaaa!

    i just saw hugh grant's latest movie with drew barrymore. this is pretty funny in light of that!

  2. Otta:

    Heh. Looks like the Brits are 20 years behind American men's fashion.

    *note to self: burn 8th grade dance pictures*

  3. NO! don't burn them, joe. post them at TSW.

  4. Otta:

    Oh ho ho no! Members Only jackets, rolled up pants and hi-tops, and skinny ties belong way way way in the past!

    *I'm sure my mom has an album just full of this stuff. Aiii!*


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