Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Guest Topic: Photobucket Holds It Own

The temporarily light-blogging bro sent me a nice story about Photobucket. When I started blogging, I quickly found out that I needed a real host for all my photos, so that the links would never die, and that you did not need to have a session ID from Yahoo or AOL to view. Hotlinking a news sites' picture also didn't cut it, because of their archiving procedures. It was all about the link. Apparently, the mission of Photobucket is exactly that, as expressed by Jerry Murdock, Photobucket investor and advisor: "Linking is the new currency of the Web." This is as true for the lowly blog with "2 or 3 readers" to the multi-media news portals garnering several million hits a day. The link drives traffic, which has become the formula for advertising revenue.

Some points that the CNN story missed are the popularity of Photobucket with bloggers and the mention of competitors such as ImageShack. But the article got to the point when it asked Silicon Valley guys about Photobucket, and nobody had heard about it, but that all the teenagers did. Photobucket is not the MySpace leech that some analysts believe it to be, and the upcoming generation of web users are already proving that.

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