Friday, December 08, 2006

Hurricane Predictors Play 2007 Straight

Hurricane experts from Colorado are predicting a more active hurricane season for next year, but they make pains to emphasize two points: 1) It was a rapidly forming El Niñ0 that squashed the Atlantic hurricanes this last year; and 2) the Atlantic Ocean is in the middle of a multi-decadal cycle for hurricane activity that has nothing to do with global warming. They say the second part right here: "Like many U.S. hurricane experts, Gray and Klotzbach argue that the Atlantic is in a multi-decade period of naturally heightened hurricane activity caused by atmospheric conditions and unrelated to global warming." [emphasis added] And like good scientists, they admit their predictions are dependent on the changing atmospheric conditions for next year, especially on how long El Niño decides to stick around. A refreshing story on the weather.

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