Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Shocker: AP Prints Misleading Headline!

In a mundane survey report out of Australia looking at concentrations of oxygen isotopes in air samples, which is an indicator of the concentration of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere, the change in the rate of annual increase, from about 1 percent to 2 percent, has turned into this headline: Report says CO2 emissions have doubled.

Apparently, the AP writer knows how to do math, but the editors who write the headlines, do not. The lede is biased, of course (honestly, what is a "high" rate of CO2 emissions?), but at least accurate: that the rate of increase of annual emissions doubled from the 1990s to the 2000s (so far). But those editors should be told in their remedial math classes they slept through, in percentages, doubling an amount means 100 percent increase. They wouldn't have some alarmist agenda as motivation to mislead, would they?

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