Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam sentenced to death: Good Riddance!

AFP/File/Patrick Baz
AFP/File/Patrick Baz

Iraq's High Tribunal released its verdict in the trial of Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity: Guilty! The punishment: Death by hanging. The case automatically goes to an appeals court for review, but if the judgment is upheld, the death sentence must be carried out within 30 days. There are also other cases being tried against Saddam, so I do not see the dictator being hanged anytime soon. But, I'm waiting for him to update his blog any minute now!


  1. Otta - that place was crazy during the initial months of the iraq war. You should read some of the stuff from 2003

  2. The Cyber Palace hasn't been as busy lately, after the Spider Hole incident, but before his capture: Pure Comedy Gold! Especially the coverage of Iraqi Bob's statements. Too bad he killed himself after Baghdad was taken. I would have loved to have seen his trial.


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