Monday, November 06, 2006

Rainbow Warriors May Have to Watch Out for Horns

Apparently, it's the season for environmental conferences. In Nairobi, Kenya, at the UN's latest waste of general funds, Greenpeace issued a press release singling out Brazil for it's continued growth in carbon dioxide emissions, mainly by clearcutting rainforests and establishing cattle ranches. Methane is a far more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and those beasties are known for their "output." Also, deforestation allows for more carbon dioxide emissions because the plants are no longer around to suck up the gas during the nocturnal phase of photosynthesis. So, those Brazilian cattle ranchers might soon be the sites of Rainbow Warrior demonstrations. But if the Brazilian reaction is anything like the French reaction to Greenpeace, instead of a nuclear vessel ramming a smaller boat, the Rainbow Warriors may have to get out of the way of a raging stampede.

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