Monday, November 13, 2006

Allergic to Sex? No, Really!

Next time you get that refusal from a certain lady friend, don't casually dismiss her as being allergic to intimacy: there are documented cases of women having a semen allergy. Who knew? What is interesting, since allergies are caused by histamine responses to foreign proteins, is that some of the women were allergic just to one man, as opposed to most who were allergic to all semen. The researchers found, in the rarest of cases, that some women were allergic to the chemicals in the semen from diet. I guess you have to ask about those peanut allergies, huh? The allergy desensitization treatment is a major plus for the married men, since they are prescribed to have sex at least 3 times a week. [Insert penis joke here... okay even that's bad]

1 comment:

  1. Otta:

    Which is your favorite excuse? "It's that time of the month," or "I have to wash my hair," or (my favorite) "I didn't shave my legs." Hee!


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