Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Not Bringing the 'A' Game Today

You know, sometimes I just can't get excited about the stuff that really interests me. For example, here's a great story on eating vegetables to keep your brain young. Lots of material in that story, especially about listening to your mother, or even that it is a model of how a science story should be written. Or this one on the Hubble, in which people want to keep it up even more years past its shelf-life. But I've already written my opinions on making it a Smithsonian showpiece. There's even this story on global warming that belongs in the World Politics news section, instead of the Science section. Just more bias at work. Or this ridiculous story on the Russians being prepared to spare us from an asteroid disaster movie.

So, what's wrong with me? I've got this headache from yesterday, which must be a leftover effect from heatstroke. I must have kept my heartrate too high for too long in the heat, and I just can't concentrate on anything. So, what I'll do is give you guys some Helmety Goodness Tuesday, and show you two of my favorite characters, Sarge and Caboose, doing what they do best, making quoteworthy dialog.


"What the Samuel Helsinki happened here?"



  1. Dude - ...no, just the one ceiling...

  2. Dude: ...But naptime comes before pants time. Not after. I think these people are just making up times!

    Almost every line between Sarge and Caboose is quoteworthy!

  3. Otta:

    I had a nice, funny message about feeling better, but blogger ate it when it went down for maintenance. Suffice it to say, I'm feeling okay, and that I'll just have to watch my heart rate monitor much closer tomorrow.


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