Thursday, October 12, 2006

Caffeinated or... Caffeinated?

Two question have always struck me about decaffeinated coffee: 1)Why? and 2) They can't get all the caffeine out, so how much is there really? A new study from the University of Florida published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology at least tries to answer my second question. The common wisdom, what I've always heard around the coffeemaker in the office, is that the decaffeinating process takes out only 95% of the caffeine in coffee. The new study actually quantifies that by basing their numbers on 16 ounces of regular coffee: a regular cup for me, but equal to 2 big cups of coffee. Coffeemakers call a coffee cup at 6 ounces. I'm sure I'll be curious enough to find out why at some other time, but there it is. 16 ounces of regular coffee usually has an average of 170 milligrams of caffeine. Since the AP article makes the presentation of the data a little hard to compare, I made the following table, along with my Buzz Factor, to quickly show how much caffeine is in decaf, and where on my scale of caffeine daily intake that particular coffee drink lies.


Caffeine Content in milligrams and percentages of 170 mg
Brand or Coffeehouse Caffeine (mg) Caffeine (percent) Buzz Factor
Folgers Crystals (Instant) 0 0% Drooling
Other Instant 8.6 - 13.9 5.1% - 8.2% One eye open
Starbucks Espresso 3 - 15.8 1.8% - 9.3% One eye open
Starbucks Brewed 12 - 13.4 7.1% - 7.9% One eye open
Can of Coca-Cola 31 18.2% Incoherent thought



As you can see, what some call decaf, others may beg to differ, especially those who need to be careful of how stimulants affect their metabolism. Now, how is it that only Folgers Instant produces decaf as advertised? I think it's because it's not real coffee, but that's just my opinion. Me, I call them all weaksauce. Which reminds me, I'm on only my second cup of coffee, which puts me at "Mumbling slowly" on the Buzz Factor, so I better pour some more coffee down my gullet.


  1. I get my caffeine via Penguin caffeinated mints.

    A tin is equal to 25 cups of coffee, which lasts me about a day.

    My metabolism allows me to pass through solid objects.

  2. Sulla:

    How many pieces come in a tin? And how long is a day for you? I seem to recall that they can be a bit variable.

  3. 75 pieces per tin. 3 pieces per "serving," which is equivalent to "one cola beverage."


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